What to Expect When Having Your Chimney Swept

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What to Expect When Having Your Chimney Swept?

The National Fire Protection Agency (NFPA) recommends having your chimney inspected and cleaned at least once a year. In fact, having your chimney swept is one of the most important parts of maintaining your home safe and fire-free. If a chimney sweep in Houston, TX, is your need of the hour, but you are not really sure about what to expect, read on to find.

A certified chimney sweep company like Take Air will clean your chimney and remove any blockages, such as soot or creosote buildup, that could pose a fire hazard. The company will also inspect your chimney for any damage that could allow dangerous gases or flames into your home.

Here’s a quick overview of what you can expect when having your chimney swept:

1) Identify the problem –

A professional chimney sweep will first inspect your chimney to identify any potential safety hazards. They will then use a special brush to clean the inside of your chimney, removing any soot or creosote buildup. Finally, they will use a vacuum to remove any debris that has been dislodged during the sweeping process. The entire process usually takes between 30 minutes and 1 hour.

2) Remove any further blockages –

If the chimney sweep finds any blockages, such as bird nests or small animals, they will remove them before continuing the other sweeping process. Usually, this is done with a long pole with a hook on end.

3) During the Sweep

You can expect the chimney sweep to be polite and professional. They will likely wear protective 

clothing, such as a mask and gloves, to avoid breathing in harmful particles. You should also expect them to make a bit of noise as they work. You may be asked to leave your home during the sweeping process, as it is quite messy. However, you should feel free to ask the sweep any questions you have about the process or what they are doing.

4) After the Sweep

Once the chimney sweep is finished, they will usually leave your home in better condition than when they arrived. They will typically sweep up any dislodged debris during the process and ask you to inspect the chimney to ensure you are satisfied with the results. You may be given a report of their findings, which will detail any potential safety hazards and what was done to mitigate them. You will also get informational tips on how to prevent chimney fires in the future.

When it comes to having your chimney swept, there’s really nothing to be worried about. Just be sure to choose a reputable professional to do the job, and you’ll be just fine. They may also recommend further steps to ensure that your chimney is in good working order, such as installing a new liner or having it waterproofed. But ultimately, it’s up to you to decide what’s best for your home.


If you’re in need of a chimney sweep in Houston, TX, be sure to contact Take Air. We offer professional and reliable services that will keep your chimney clean and free of potential fire hazards. Plus, we’ll give you some helpful tips on how to prevent chimney fires in the future. Be safe this winter – call us today!

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