electrostatic air filters Houston TX

The Benefits Of Electrostatic Air Filters

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A lot of homeowners are under the impression that an electrostatic air filter is only necessary if they have allergies or asthma. While it’s true that these electrostatic filters can be great for those with respiratory issues, they offer a host of other benefits as well. In fact, many homeowners find that investing in an electrostatic air filter was one of the best decisions they ever made. Our experts at Take Air are here to highlight some of the many benefits that come from utilizing an electrostatic air filter.


Let’s start with the most obvious benefits.


1) Electrostatic Air Filters Improves Air Quality

Electrostatic air filters utilize a powerful charge to attract and capture airborne pollutants, including pet dander, dust mites, pollen, smoke particles, mold spores, and other microscopic particles. By trapping these pollutants within the filter, it prevents them from circulating throughout your home’s air supply. In addition to making the air in your home healthier, this also helps reduce the dusting and vacuuming you must do.


2) Increased Energy Efficiency

An electrostatic air filter can help to improve the efficiency of your HVAC system. By trapping and preventing these airborne particles from circulating around your home, it will reduce the workload of your HVAC system, allowing it to operate more efficiently. Usually, this means your system will require less power to operate and can result in lower monthly energy bills. Sometimes, the cost of an electrostatic air filter can be offset by the money saved on energy bills.

3) Longer Lasting HVAC System When Electrostatic Filter Installed

Not only will an electrostatic air filter improve the efficiency of your HVAC system, but it can also help to reduce wear and tear on your system. Trapping the airborne particles that can cause damage to various components within helps extend the life of your HVAC system by reducing the need for repairs and maintenance. Most of the time, electrostatic air filters are easy to clean and maintain, meaning you won’t have to worry about doing a lot of extra work.

4) Reduced Odors

You won’t have to worry about any unpleasant odors in your home if you invest in an electrostatic air filter. Not only do these filters trap airborne particles, but they also help to absorb odor-causing particles as well. This helps improve the air quality in your home while also reducing any unpleasant smells. An electrostatic air filter is often used to reduce persistent odors in the house. These filters can effectively trap and eliminate odors from smoke, pet dander, food, and more. An electrostatic filter can help keep your home smelling fresh and clean when properly maintained. Usually, they require little maintenance and only need to be washed or replaced every 90 days, depending on the filter.

5) Lower Maintenance

One of the greatest advantages of an electrostatic air filter is that it requires very little maintenance. All you need to do is clean or replace the filter every 90 days, depending on the filter you have. This is a much easier and less time-consuming task than cleaning or replacing traditional fiberglass filters. When you use an electrostatic air filter, you can rest assured that your air quality is being maintained and that it’s not a hassle to keep up with.

6) Cost Savings

Investing in an electrostatic air filter is much more cost-effective than replacing your HVAC system due to poor air quality. When your HVAC system is not properly maintained, it can become clogged with contaminants and cause the unit to work harder than necessary. This, in turn, will lead to higher energy bills and eventually costly repairs or a full replacement. Investing in an electrostatic air filter can help prevent this from happening and save you money in the long run. You may also be eligible for a tax credit when you purchase an electrostatic filter, making it even more cost-effective.

7)  Environmentally Friendly

Finally, electrostatic air filters are much better for the environment than traditional fiberglass filters. This is because they do not release any dangerous fibers into the air and are made with non-toxic materials. They also use less energy than traditional filters, making them a much more eco-friendly option.


These are just a few of the many benefits that come with using an electrostatic air filter. Not only will it improve the air quality in your home, but it will also increase your HVAC system’s efficiency and help reduce odors. In addition, you won’t need to worry about constantly cleaning and replacing your filter as it requires very little maintenance.


With so many benefits, it’s no wonder why many homeowners are choosing to invest in an electrostatic air filter.  If you’re looking for a way to improve the air quality in your home, consider investing in an electrostatic air filter from Take Air. Our experts are here to answer any questions and help you find the best filter for your needs. Contact us today for more information!

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