Dryer vent cleaning TX
Dryer cleaning houston tx

Dryer Vent Cleaning Services Houston TX

Take Air offers the highest quality service at the most affordable prices.


Professional Dryer Vent Cleaning Company

Why should I care about dryer vents? (I clean the lint of my dryer often)

Prevent Fire : The U.S. Fire Administration  warns that close to 3000 home fires are caused each year by dryers with clogged vent with an estimated $35 million in property loss. Debris and Lint can build up in the dryer vent, reducing air flow to the dryer, backing up dryer exhaust gases, creating a fire hazard.

Save on Energy: According to ENERGY.GOV: Periodically inspect your dryer vent to ensure it is not blocked. This will save energy and may prevent a fire.

Prolong the life of your dryer: Dryer manufacturers recommend: To ensure its best performance of your dryer, clean your lint filter after each use. Also, check and clean the duct vent twice a year to prevent lint buildup, blockage, and get the maximum airflow to the dryer.

Cnet did a report about the air quality. Cleaning dryer vents was right there on their list. some signs that it’s time to clean your vent:

  • It has been more than 6 months since the Dryer vent was last cleaned
  • Clothing is dump after a normal drying cycle
  • Towels and clothing smell musty after they come out of the dryer
  • Clothing is unusually hot to the touch after a drying cycle
  • lint trap has Large amounts of lint accumulate each time the dryer operates

If you recognized any of the issues above – it is time to call the Take Air professional team.

What happens if I do have a blockage?
If the technician sees that there is a blockage, it is mandatory for him to physically show it to you and explain to you in detail what caused it, how it will be handled and how to prevent it in the future. Our company has been providing quality and reliable services for over 13 years. 

How much will it cost? 
We are so concern about possible fires as a result of clogged dryer vents, that we provide you with a flat fee $75.00 inspection and basic cleaning.

If the technician finds additional blockage or issues during his inspection, he will let you know what is needed to resolve the issue.

Does it cost extra if my dryer vents out to the roof?
No, we do not charge extra for that as long as it goes straight out without any turns and angles, since that can make the cleaning more complicated. Our technicians want to make sure to clean out the duct completely so if they need to get on the roof, they will. 

How do you clean the dryer duct completely?
We use a long rotor brush and vacuum machine that work simultaneously and go all the way through the duct to the other side. If our technicians need to get on the roof (in case the dryer vents out to the roof) then they will so they can make sure to completely clean out the duct. 

How long does dryer vent cleaning take?
The basic cleaning takes about 30 minutes.

Do you install a new dryer duct/vent?
Yes, we do.  

We have been cleaning Houston dyer vents for over 13 years. Our team of technicians is expertly trained in inspecting dryer vents/duct, cleaning and replacing or installing new ones when needed in the most effective way so you can be safe, save money on your electric bill and prolong the life of your dryer.

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50% Off Dryer Vent Cleaning

Only $119 (regular price $240)
We brush and vacuum your dryer vent all the way to the other side
Including free dryer vent inspection


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The Benefits of a Clean Dryer Vent

The Benefits of a Clean Dryer Vent

While the dryer vent does an important job, it’s also one of the most neglected parts of the home. Over time, lint and debris can build up in the vent, causing it to clog. A clogged vent can lead to a number of problems, including decreased efficiency, longer drying times, and fire hazards.

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